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Budō (武道)

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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Wed May 11, 2022 2:54 pm

Ahriman is a actual entity which looks exactly like Rudolf Steiner depiced him. Very large humanoid with no hair.

Being in the presence of this gruesome & cruel entity is unbearable for most contemporary humans on earth..


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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by khnum Sat May 14, 2022 12:23 am

Pirata wrote:Ahriman is a actual entity which looks exactly like Rudolf Steiner depiced him. Very large humanoid with no hair.

Being in the presence of this gruesome & cruel entity is unbearable for most contemporary humans on earth..

From biodymamics i.e farming with moon stars and with the farm as a living organism through spiritual matters Steiner was a genius


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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat May 14, 2022 6:43 pm

Ни у одного композитора нет такого произведения такой мощи и брутальности, Прокофьев гений!

This is the version I like best, in anti-Nazi 432hz and a bit slowed down... feel the difference? You'd be suprised
what you'd hear when you slow down Mozart in the right tune as well, your plants will thrive, so will you too.

The final attack on Christianity - the teachings of Jesus Christ to mankind - is imminent,
though they got severe 'narrative problems' to get it "off the ground" so to speak..

We reap reactions.

Keep an open mind and take from the conversation the parts that reverberate to you, no need to agree on everything..

The upcoming lunar eclipse will be on May 16 (from 3.32h until 6.32h in Germany), from today onwards observe your own and other peoples emotions. There will be observable 'impacts' as it will be a very emotional experience for many people, for some it has already occured, without knowing the cause... we are facing off with ourselves as the 'I am' or the what 'I am not', what each of us perceives or personally wants but hasn't been able to achieve, so there is a high degree of conflict, which can only be solved by introspection.. not by lashing out at others.

Be prepared, keep calm and be conscious of yourself and your environment during this time. Watch and learn.

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Post by Pirata Fri May 20, 2022 12:36 pm

So my blood test came back negative on all accounts (no wonder docs always think I'm a weird hypochondriac), HbA1c not even near the greyzone of pre-diabetes, high bloodsugar levels in April remain "a mystery", thyroid functions great, good LDL and HDL levels.. so my bodies exceptional self-healing capacity is still a thing.. I must say I love intermittened fasting and will keep doing it.. also my new intuitive "paleo-keto" style diet is doing me good.. no more grains, legumes and starchy vegetables makes such a difference, not only weightloss.. but energy-wise a real boost, physically and mentally.. and I don't miss it at all, plus the stupid late hour food cravings are completely gone..

Off to the garden... work is waiting.. bounce

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Post by Pirata Mon May 23, 2022 11:55 am

Global Warming / "Climate Change"

-an american military doctrine to keep the developing and 3rd world from advancing, i.e. prospering.
-to indoctrinate the Western youth to accept 2nd class citizen status and a two-tier society.
-engineered wildfires, floods and eq to attack resisting nations and manipulate populations.

The Global Vaxxination Plot

-to reduce the new serfs life span and ability to reproduce offspring by damaging their DNA.
-and thus to reduce the global population, by eliminating the "uselss eaters"
-by employing Crispr-Cas9 gene editing technology, Eugenics.

The Managed Demoltion of the World Economy

-to covertly confiscate wealth from the middle and worker classes.
-to establish a totally electronic monetary system with total control over every transaction.

The Wars

-to weaken opposition of the Muslim world and in other parts of the worlds.
-to create famine and destitution, including Western societies, to force people into compliance

The UN

-was created as a forerunner organisation for their final "new world order".
-to coordinate the DNA mark of the Beast, by vaxxine, without which one shall be prohibit to buy or sell.

These vaxxes are DNA editing modifiers. Whoever carry this extra gene, will always pass it on. They intended two main versions, one verson of vaxxes were supposed to create a new human sub species with a shortened life span. But even that they didn't get to work right, people age much faster then intended and the immune systems are collapsing, worse, no matter which of the vaxx was administered, they all failed to achieve the objectives, so their idea of creating a new superior and a new human subspecie is failing badly, and now they have to work overtime and come up with a lot of "fact checking", censorship and cover up stories. Only the un-vaxxed will inherit the (new) world (order), you can mock God all you want and then receive your reward, guess God won't be able to read/copy/recycle your DNA, which is Gods spoken word.

I've discribed in detail what eternity awaits those who have cut themselves off from God's divine nature and the accompaning degenerative consequences. There is no coming back from that demolished state of mind and being, and the subequential loss of ones spirit and soul. That's why I really dispise Existentialists, they're already mentally and emotionally dysfunctional to the point were they're ready to jump into the Abyss. Those arrogant fools who thought they understood ancient Egypts' alchemy, who thought they understand the Book of Enoch, who are so full of themselves (blinded), to think they of all people don't have to do the 'great' work, they're going to cheat death, they're going to use intellect and technology alone to ascend.. they surely will not end up like the demons that instructed them and which they secretly worship, they will be "different".. this time.. God promised to not drown us again, he didn't say anything about fire though, just some food for thought..

So a day after Tolstoy said the Duma might tear up Russia’s partnership with the WHO, which is the most sane and logic conclusion and expected mode of action, Lavrov called up "Dr. Tedros" to reassure him that Moscow is still excited to participate in "the ongoing process of the globalist health emergency preparedness and response system" during the upcoming World Murder Assembly in Geneva. Really?  Rolling Eyes

It is disheartening to read about the political leaders of an otherwise sane country genuflecting at the altar of the vaxxine Nazis. I wonder if Lavrov actually believes in the plandemic-vaxxines, or if he's just going along for political expediency?

And qou vadis, President Putin? A question I've ask many times before, has Russia's elites already sold out their compatriots and nation? Because war is only one aspect of this complex Apocalypse, one can win a War, even a World War and stil fail domestically, nobody knows this better than Russia I would think. Oh and then there is this dire prospect of the whole world going kaputt in the most literal sense of the word, in ways none of the conspirators has the skill to anticipate, for which they don't have a plan b or some other fall-back position.

The future of the world will be decentralized, in one way or another.. the Mafijas that like to call itself "EL-ites" will cease to have any meaningful influence over future humanity, and this will be true for all aspects of social, political and economical life. Resistence is futile (hahaha!), see this (joke) goes both ways, since the universe is not a one-way road. Told ya! The faster one accepts this inevitable transformation, the better one fares - but I don't expect everyone to make it through the storm, I mean the real storm. and the best way to weather the upcoming event is to keep ones own center of gravity, find your inner center of existence - let the whole mad world swirl around while you will be like Jesus Christ, or Mount Meru, whatever you prefer, the unmoving eternal truth, untouched by bulshit and diversion, not at the left or right side of false doctrines, in the very center of Gods creation. You may actually like it.. if you dare to walk the walk... so tell me fellow traveller, what's you lifes purpose?

Addendum: the world is not ordered in polarities, it's triune and it's always been triune, there is no time either, it only appears to you as if you live in a world of polarities and time, because of "the Fall from Grace", remember? What happened was that mankind lost it's ability to directly communicate with it's own higher divine nature, to understand his origin and place in the cosmos, the realms we now view as seperate places, if we acknowldge them at all. So much science and so much scientific fraud.. in the end non of the so-called experts have ever been able to explain what "energy" actually is.. interesting "times" we live in, ey?! I've heard that Homieland sickurity and the Cringeworthy Ineptitude Agency have taken over the "UFO/Alien File".. to make it a "threat to national sickurity".. well well.. ET's gonna phone home then?

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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Wed May 25, 2022 10:10 am

51 years.. Laughing

In-form-ation which is true is like a loaded weapon against evil in the world.

I told God that I would like to be an artist at the age of 50, maybe he was laughing and thought, sure.. maybe next time,
or maybe I should redefine the being of an artist.. not sure, but I made a lifestyle out of it anyways..

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Post by Pirata Tue Jun 07, 2022 5:52 pm



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Post by Pirata Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:15 pm



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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by khnum Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:07 am

Thought this would interest you.Its about Britains next King

'A great civilization is not conquered from without until it had destroyed itself from within' W.Durant


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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:11 am

Yes, Charles is quite something, isn't he... let's see what happens when his mother departs into the Abyss (soon).

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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:49 pm

The future of Europe

Most neighbor countries of Ukraine have (strangely) some intense features in their house of war Vedic natal charts in 2023, 24, 25 & 26, a formation reminiscent of a wave sweeping the whole region, which most likely will culminate in the break up of the European Union. Thiis timeline started in March 2022 and will last roughly for 3 years.


As I've mentioned before, very hard times are upon Germany! Looking at the Kaiserreich chart (1.1.1871) explains the Mind and Spirit of the German people, this chart explains the arrested development (and subsequential loss of Sovereignty) due to a very stringent Kala Sarpa Yoga, that left Germany only with Mars and Saturn to express itself thereafter. Key point to understand here is the loss of spirituality connecting them to their previous national identity ever after.

The BRD (FRG) chart indicates mounting problems with other European nations.. Germany will feel an urge to resist certain developments and impulses from other nations within the EU. Neither the Kaiserreich nor the BRD chart makes Germany a "natural leader" as some may mistake them to be, as Germany can only transcend it's Karma and spiritual duty by truly facing itself, to reconnect to it's own inner collective spiritual self. This is the work that needs to be done in Germany to get out of this "risen from the ruins" rut this nation experiences since a 150 years.

Germanys Venus will be in Virgo Nov 2022 - SEPT 2025, which is a terrible placement, especially in the 3rd house, which indicates conflicts with it's neighbors. We therefor can also expect extreme measures of censorship and media controls, not only applied to foreign media and peoples, but by equal measure applied to Germans themselves. This implies a feature of something else, namely that the entire EU structure will be in crisis, and Germany will react rather fearful due to many facts that will arise in the coming months and years, thus will try to keep a lid on or outright control information flow, which will probably feel very Orwellian to most inhabitants of the EU.

In this way Germany will unintentionally contribute to the destruction of the EU as these measures will turn out to be very counter-effective, including within their own nation, as many Germans will resist such "mindcontrol" attempts by their leadership. This feature by the way, can also be concluded from the EU natal chart itself. This Venus is leading Germany into isolation during the mentioned period (Nov 2022 until Sept 2025) and relations with neighbors will be bad or worsen.. for Germany, and also for the EU.

Natal chart of the European Union

The main feature of this chart shows a very strong Mars position. Raja Yoga Karaka signifies territorial strength. All the countries that joined the EU (had a strong Mars, or joined when their own Mars constellation worked out in favor) benefitted from this constellation. Nevertheless, this EU Mars chart is connected to the Star Antares (heart of Sqorpio), which makes this chart also ambivalent and unstable. What this indicates is that the EU itself is all about expansion of real estate, aqusition of land.. even through means of war. This "Antares situation" indicates the possibility of war inside the uniion until 2029. From Oct 2025 until Oct 2026 the EU's sun is conjunct Bungula (right hoof of the Centaur, Alpha Centauri) may lead to rapid and unexpected seperations in relationships for people, or break ups and depature of EU memberstates.  So the EU union may experience some very unhappy "divorces" in 2025 and 2026.

Following scenario may occure.. the first fissures of strength occured starting Nov 2021 and will intensify in Nov 2022, especially concerning financial and economic issues, food seurity etc. Talk within the uniion will all be about the war outside of the EU during this period, the usual "crisis" we are all very familiar with, but starting from Nov 2022 the EU borders will be sealed off and travel will be limited. From Nov 2022 until Nov 2023 the EU may get directly involved in a war outside it's own borders, or somehow take part in such a war, the EURO currency will be in a huge crisis and be very unstable by then as well, European peoples investments into other stores of wealth will dramatically increase and the economic crisis will intensify. 2023 will turn out to be much much worse for most Europeans than 2022.

From Nov 2023 until Nov 2024 the chances that the EU will be involved in a war are extremely high. We may see a lot of security forces on the streets to hide the true extent of the situation. In this time period we may see Europeans wishing to seperate from the EU as abuse has accumulated to untenable size, and it will not be just one, it will be several nations. The economic stress will reach it's climax that will become unbearable for many European people while the war moves closer and closer to their own territories.

2024 to 2025 will be extraordinarilly dangerous and difficult for all inside the EU because of war INSIDE of the union. Pluto in 7th house indicates that war will come home to roost us, after years of instigating war outside of the union.. our Karma bill to be due, so to speak.

Mars in the 1st house is also a terrible placement, it increases the possibility of the destruction of the EU. Mercury and Saturn's positions are also weak, overall I would sumarize that the EU birth chart for the coming years to be truly abysmal and forshadowing it's disintegration.

Mars in the 8th house with Rahu, Venus in Virgo in the 10th house.. also indicates a dark and dim future for this union.

USA meddling in Europes affairs

From Dec 2023 until Oct 2026 the USA will also be at war and will try to benefit from it economically. The US (leadership) will continue to weaken the EU (leadership). The sanctions are already weakening Europe right now and will make life in the EU worse by the day and all the problems will intensify in the next few years as I have discribed. The War inside the EU starts today.. because today the ground work is being laid down, and that's what the actual motive of the USA is, they are not our allies or friends. Unfortunetely "our leadership" isn't either. Just as the USA is willing to burn up Ukraine for their benefit, they will burn down Europe as well.. this is clearly indicated by comparing the various birth charts of the nations. The EU ideology will decline and some of todays EU nation states will leave the union, or even be kicked out of it.

The Solar 30 April 2022 eclipse damaged the USA's reputation (sanctions regime against Russia) on the world stage and weakened it's own position. Let me just reiterate that I don't see a world war on the horizon, the period in which such a scenario could arise would be somewhere between 2028/30, and today and the next few years results will determine the likelyhood of that future possibility. Nevertheless the USA will be the main culprit in a possible war inside the EU, erupting in 2024, from which they will try to benefit.. and probably will, due to exremely weak EU leadership and internal fragmentaton. Right now EU leadership is losing it's authority within it's own societies, eventually the USA will also feel this damage.

In this sense the eclipse affected the EU even worse than the USA. In this constellation Uranus was the force of isolation, which Europeans can now deeply feel. The second half of 2022 will be a period of revolution, riots, upheavel. Uranus also indicates selfish leadership, inclined in extraordinary self-interest or corruption to benefit their own offspring, making them think and act according to their own reasons and benefit. The planetary war between Venus and Jupiter, which Venus will win, means that a change of power within the USA is highly likely.. Furthermore Jupiter and Venus are conjunct Neptune, aspected by Pluto (6th house) which indicates no quick end to the current (Ukraine) war during this summer, but also indicates natural disasters connected to water/seas and/or earthquakes.

In conclusion, Europe needs the help of God, better start praying and begging for divine intervention.

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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Mon Jun 13, 2022 12:15 pm

Regular forum members can ignore this message.

To my secret friendly observer (and I got quite a few of them, friendly and not so friendly), I put a pro forma divine judgement curse on you, as you surely remember, just in case you dissapoint, I never had a reason to lift it, I simply can't help it, my role in this world is different from yours.. and to be honest, I lack patience and I am such a grumpy old hag, so you have to live with it, I'm not fearful.. are you? If you answer this question with yes "sort of".. you might want to do an introspection to find out as to why, and also try to answer the question why I am even of interest to you in the first place, and those others not so friendly ones.. how come? Since I am really a nobody.. I'll continue to talk about stuff, and also about this partially beautiful and sometimes terrifying multidimensional world. Quo vadis, amigo?

Simple answer would be I know shit and it's noticable that I know shit, and I know it in a way that is not intellectual or "scientific".

And that's always quite fascinating, isn't it.. except to myself probably..

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Post by Pirata Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:32 pm

Alexander Spirkin's Dialectical Materialism

Will there be such a time when mankinds' spiritual nature will be included into modern science to the benefit of our divine evolution?

Chapter 3. Consciousness of the World and the World of Consciousness

Attitude is everything, because time doesn't exist. Only miserable creatures such as Demons, depend on "time travel".

Let's look at the crime of corrupt christian "church leaders" who decreed at the Council of Nicaea, that no human has a SPIRIT, nevermind a holy, that is, a divine spirit, only Jesus Christ. The rest of us are just mud creatures, ey? And when Jesus said we can do as he did, that was just a joke, right? Today we see these same spiritually corrupt tools declare that we ain't even got a soul either, we're just dumb "hackable" animals by now. Everything is just flesh and the only salvation is materialism.

A corrupted faith, no matter how "bling bling" their worldy temples are, have no substance, no salvation or redeption. Pretty archetecture bought with blood money.. shall we marvel at our egotistical ingenuiity all day long? Let's argue that money is bulshit, so what does it matter how much we spend to glorify God.. again, how was that money obtained, does you're local temple smell like blood?

You try discuss this with Jesus, or your local Deity managers and then tell me how much God loves the taste of blood on your hands, just saying, I am not trying to be mean, I'm just honest. I know how blood tastes, I just don't pretend it smells like Roses or that it pleases God.

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Post by Pirata Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:09 pm

And for those who may feel confused by [my] words, concepts or suffer from a feeling of generel neglected, only so much..

The only temple you really need to attend (occupy) is your body, created by God, divine in nature.. you attend the church that is you, the holy trinity, that is you, and then God will enter your heart and guide you to transcendence. Does that make sense to you?

Did Jesus reside in a Palace, did he accumuate Gems and Gold.. did he? Did he love the material world of Satan more then Gods's kingdom?

Does he need your lip service in fancy temples, or does he need your hearts to align with a higher order of intelligence? You decide!

Do I hate religious buildings? No I don't.. at all, but they are only concepts for a spiritual reality that is fundamentally an internal process.

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Budō  (武道) - Page 2 Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:09 pm

Pirata wrote:Alexander Spirkin's Dialectical Materialism

Will there be such a time when mankinds' spiritual nature will be included into modern science to the benefit of our divine evolution?

Chapter 3. Consciousness of the World and the World of Consciousness

Attitude is everything, because time doesn't exist. Only miserable creatures such as Demons, depend on "time travel".

Let's look at the crime of corrupt christian "church leaders" who decreed at the Council of Nicaea, that no human has a SPIRIT, nevermind a holy, that is, a divine spirit, only Jesus Christ. The rest of us are just mud creatures, ey? And when Jesus said we can do as he did, that was just a joke, right? Today we see these same spiritually corrupt tools declare that we ain't even got a soul either, we're just dumb "hackable" animals by now. Everything is just flesh and the only salvation is materialism.

A corrupted faith, no matter how "bling bling" their worldy temples are, have no substance, no salvation or redeption. Pretty archetecture bought with blood money.. shall we marvel at our egotistical ingenuiity all day long? Let's argue that money is bulshit, so what does it matter how much we spend to glorify God.. again, how was that money obtained, does you're local temple smell like blood?

You try discuss this with Jesus, or your local Deity managers and then tell me how much God loves the taste of blood on your hands, just saying, I am not trying to be mean, I'm just honest. I know how blood tastes, I just don't pretend it smells like Roses or that it pleases God.

Marx was a pathological liar and Talmudist materialist, because that's the only thing Talmudists actually truly believe in, and the Pharisees weren't much better. Controlling the matierial world therefor becomes an intense obsession for the materialist, and because they are wrong with their "upside-down" turned reality attempt to gain E = mc2, which is little more then the expression of mental illness, or I should say, because they refuse the very existence of SPIRIT nature as a superior authority of reality.. and superior to them super-dense meatballs, they are stuck with black majik practices, meddling with mud, not realizing that they have turned themselves into the Golem they thought to control, or so the legend goes.. not that I care much for "german idealists" either. I reject the notion that it is ideas or intelllect alone that creates reality, once again.. you cannot function properly in this world without SPIRIT. I can only fathom how alien and abstract this word must sound to the ears of contemporaries.. sigh!

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Post by Pirata Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:45 pm

Yet we act like petulant children, and sometimes we make angels cry.

Ephesians 4:30

So here is your homework..

Romans 8:14-17

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

So who is "our spirit".. lol!

The Church ediitors missed quite a few passages.. nevermind, ~that spirit~ has it's own means of knowing God.

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Post by Pirata Wed Jun 22, 2022 1:12 pm

Do you really want to know who Jahweh and "his servant" Moses was? Are you sure? Then watch all three parts!

You may experience a nervous break down, when confronted with simple verifiable FACTS, but it's really worth it. albino


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Post by Pirata Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:17 am

Sidereal Astrology Update - New Moon June 28 in Gemini, Nakshatra Ardra (destruction - transformation)

On June 27 Mars goes into Aries, which is going to intensify really everything that's been building up so far.

This can be destructive for some, for others it will be a very valuable time to get things done during the first half of July.

All the planets (luminaries) except for the sun will be in their own sign of rulership (July 2) and therefore be very strong.

Saturn in Aquarius
Jupiter in Pisces
Mars in Aries
Venus in Taurus
Mercury in Gemini
Moon in Cancer

The New Moon on June 28 is serious.. Nakshatra Ardra is a tear drop, signifying sadness. A lot is going to come out, the world is in turmoil.. shootings, economic crisis, war, famine, natural desasters, one catastrophy after another, with so much violence and anger, that makes humanity grief. I hate to tell you.. but it will get worse for a while. What we can do is help sleepy people around us to wake up and become part of the change that is inevitable.  We have to start to see things for what they really are!  We need this awakening and we need to change on a collective level. We're all been in the dark for too long, now we start to see what is actually been going on for so long. Suddenly seeing all the uglyness and darkness is of course causing much sadness.

We all want to believe in the goodness of people, but when we realize that there are actually some people that want to hurt us.. even want to destroy and kill us, it's a sad sight to behold, isn't it? And those who have lost their lifes over the ignorance and violence of these actions brings up a deep sadness. This is what Nakshatra Ardra is all about. After the earthquakes may come the floods and the storms.. as Mars will be in Gadanta as well..

The vast majority of mankind are good people, tired of being seperated into categories and incited to blame each other.

Through sadness people will come together (globally) to heal and find solutions, maybe not immediately, but eventually..

After the final event.. that will clear the air.. like I said, it'll be a very hot and explosive summer..

Since the planets are strong, anything you want to achieve, with this New Moon in June, make a wish, start to make plans, use this time wisely.. be part of the progress by being the change.. you want to see in this world. Pick up a shovel damnit and sow some seeds to manifest something worthwhile, because the time to complain is over. DO OR DIE, we ain't got time to mourn right now.. we will do that later.. like I said, this is one hell of a year, ey!

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Post by khnum Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:52 am

I have removed several trees which could of been a problem given the roof a going over with repointing the tiles and put in new sarking luckily I am way above where any flood has ever gotten too but the storms and downpours are getting worse so Im trying to weather proof my property

'A great civilization is not conquered from without until it had destroyed itself from within' W.Durant


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Post by Pirata Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:10 am

Vedic Astrology update for July

From July 2 to 11 a quite rare event will happen, all the planets will be in their own sign of rulership (and therefore powerful) except the sun. Use this time wisely, manifest that which you wish for or need now. Saturn goes retrograde and back into Capricorn on July 12 til Jan 17, finishing off some old business, expect massive change in governments around the world, things will get really turbulent. Mars will be in Aries June 27 til August 10, so we might see a lot of anger and violence as well, riots and insurrection during this time period.

The first 2 weeks of July will be nice, then it will shift. The last time Saturn and Jupiter were in this position was 1963. Escpecially around the time of July 31 and August 1 something monumental could happen, when Mars, Rahu and Uranus are lining up 24° of Aries. Last time this happened was 1855. When I combine this with the birtchart of the United States of America it looks like another civil war is in the making. But this conjunction will not only trouble the US, it's likely to affect a lot of governments all over the world. People are fed up with govermnent corruption and authoritarian rule to quell the resistence to inequality.

Then on top of this Saturn will be squaring this conjunction in October.. a very bad omen! Terrorism, violence.. earthquakes, you name it, so much anger in the world, so from mid July til November we will be on a roller coaster from hell. Mars will go retrograde in the sign of Taurus from October 31 for about 6 month. Taurus is the sign that mainly represents the economy and money, rest assured, we're definetely entering recession/depression territory the likes we've never seen in our lifetimes. Retrograde Mars in Taurus also deals with false accusations. While Mars is stationing for some time in January it's conjunct with the Eye of the Bull (Aldebaran, the star of power) and opposed to the heart of the Scorpion (Antares, the star of war).

Okay so it's going to get rough for quite some time, but you can best ride this time out by refusing to be gripped by fear, it's a good time to go inward and have faith. Be kind to your fellow human beings, don't get swept away in the blame game and antagonist attitude. Stay home, no need to join any riots etc. Turn off the idiot box, refuse to participate in any offered corrupt scheme desperate governments will try to sell you.. if anything, they stole your money and well being, why on earth should you trust the same set of corrupt leaders ever again, we may see a lot of changes pertaining to governments in the coming month, but they will not give up easily, and will try to double down with their totalitarian habit. Food and energy shortages will only increase, so use the last few weeks to continue to prepare for yourself. Stay strong, no fear!

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Post by khnum Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:42 am

Pirata wrote:Vedic Astrology update for July

From July 2 to 11 a quite rare event will happen, all the planets will be in their own sign of rulership (and therefore powerful) except the sun. Use this time wisely, manifest that which you wish for or need now. Saturn goes retrograde and back into Capricorn on July 12 til Jan 17, finishing off some old business, expect massive change in governments around the world, things will get really turbulent. Mars will be in Aries June 27 til August 10, so we might see a lot of anger and violence as well, riots and insurrection during this time period.

The first 2 weeks of July will be nice, then it will shift. The last time Saturn and Jupiter were in this position was 1963. Escpecially around the time of July 31 and August 1 something monumental could happen, when Mars, Rahu and Uranus are lining up 24° of Aries. Last time this happened was 1855. When I combine this with the birtchart of the United States of America it looks like another civil war is in the making. But this conjunction will not only trouble the US, it's likely to affect a lot of governments all over the world. People are fed up with govermnent corruption and authoritarian rule to quell the resistence to inequality.

Then on top of this Saturn will be squaring this conjunction in October.. a very bad omen! Terrorism, violence.. earthquakes, you name it, so much anger in the world, so from mid July til November we will be on a roller coaster from hell. Mars will go retrograde in the sign of Taurus from October 31 for about 6 month. Taurus is the sign that mainly represents the economy and money, rest assured, we're definetely entering recession/depression territory the likes we've never seen in our lifetimes. Retrograde Mars in Taurus also deals with false accusations. While Mars is stationing for some time in January it's conjunct with the Eye of the Bull (Aldebaran, the star of power) and opposed to the heart of the Scorpion (Antares, the star of war).

Okay so it's going to get rough for quite some time, but you can best ride this time out by refusing to be gripped by fear, it's a good time to go inward and have faith. Be kind to your fellow human beings, don't get swept away in the blame game and antagonist attitude. Stay home, no need to join any riots etc. Turn off the idiot box, refuse to participate in any offered corrupt scheme desperate governments will try to sell you.. if anything, they stole your money and well being, why on earth should you trust the same set of corrupt leaders ever again, we may see a lot of changes pertaining to governments in the coming month, but they will not give up easily, and will try to double down with their totalitarian habit. Food and energy shortages will only increase, so use the last few weeks to continue to prepare for yourself. Stay strong, no fear!

Between yourself and my ayurveda friend you've gotten me interested in astrology Ive bought two books 'Astrology a guide to understanding your birthchart' and 'Metaphysics of astrology,why astrology works',its quite interesting actually in certain ayurvedic circles if you dont use medical astronomy you're considered amateur hour,I hope to read some tropical and sidereal astrology and hellenistic astrology as well,also without astrology your pretty much missing out on a lot of important stuff in the bible.


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Post by Pirata Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:29 pm


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Post by Pirata Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:39 pm

khnum wrote:

Between yourself and my ayurveda friend you've gotten me interested in astrology Ive bought two books 'Astrology a guide to understanding your birthchart' and 'Metaphysics of astrology,why astrology works',its quite interesting actually in certain ayurvedic circles if you dont use medical astronomy you're considered amateur hour,I hope to read some tropical and sidereal astrology and hellenistic astrology as well,also without astrology your pretty much missing out on a lot of important stuff in the bible.

Indeed, there are many astrological references in the Bible and many old churches have astrological artwork or symbolism,
sometimes they try to hide it under carpets or screens. Mankind always observed the sky, heck.. the Vatican owns it's own up to date hi-tech observatory. I wonder why?

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Post by Pirata Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:11 pm

The Truth about "AI" and machine learning

In essence AI algorithms are pattern matchers. They encode weights based on initial human input of classifications. The power of a 'neural net' is in how good the training sets are and how well they represent the domain you are training for. If your training set doesn't have a generalizable pattern, the neural net will not work well. It depends all on the human programmers abilities. AI is not intelligent. I guess it depends on your definition of intelligence. If intelligence means ability to classify patterns then AI is intelligent. But I think intelligence does mean creativity and being able to come up with solutions you haven't been trained for. We humans do it everyday. The current methodology for AI can't become sentient, so when Google fires an employee and media spreads this around as if it's newsworthy, be rest assured that this is just another psyop to make you think AI is actually a just "savior machine" that can't fail, is always correct and fair. Let me put it bluntly, if AI is programmed to anihilate the human race, it will do just that, because it is the opposite of intelligence, just a programmed machine executing "if this then that" patterns.

The discourse over AI omits one thing, its genesis, and the power that gives cause to AI's towering magnitude by one human mind at the base of it. You should really know about Bill Binney, the creator of the stuff we now call "metadata". I highly recommend you to watch this documentary to understand how AI got its start!

What part of "artificial" do people not understand! Even the acronym meaning taunts one's reasoning.
How about this... let's shut down the power grid, and then re-approach this subject of AI.

Personally I would draw another distinction between intellect and intelligence, and between intelligence and sapience. IQ is rather an intellect quotient. The sense in which AI uses the word intelligence is similar to how the military defines 'military intelligence', which is to say, it is talking about helpful information. Sapience is what decides which information is intelligence, because it can recognise axioms, i.e. foundational truths. No algorithm can identify a truth that has not been preprogrammed into it. Only spirits (souls) can do that. There is proof of that fact with non computability, Gödel's incompleteness theorem, and the arguments Roger Penrose presented, etc.

At first glance fate and free will seem to be mutually exclusive concepts. How can we have any creative freedom if so much seems to be fixed in advance and is unchangable? The paradox is clear, but the solution that resolves it is not so obvious. What people call destiny is the lattitude that was pre-fixed, the rest is up to you and your willingness to navigate the route between them. How you react to your fixed conditions in life and how you deal with it is completely up to you, and the choices you make will determine were your journey will take you next, after this incredible current life experience.. and I don't mean in the simplified and decreed "reward vs. punishment" scheme that the Religious Industrial Complex Inc. is trying to push down our throats to put people off track and consolidate them as a pacified or obedient to authority resource. It should be clear to everyone that fear is not a good counsellor..

AI is infringing our humanity and endangers mankind, but it certainly isn't anywhere near as mythical and amazing as we human beings, neither will any artificial construct ever be able to compete with our brains processing power, and that's not even the most exciting part or our multidimensional body. Technology itself isn't evil, it can be used for mankinds betterment or it can be abused, same is true about AI. Most goverments are power-tripping and misusing AI to the detriment of their societies, because what it implies is a dehumanization of our species, breeding over-specialization always ends in total demise, so let's hope our "leaders" reign themselves in before Universe will, meanwhile you can do your part to undermine their inhumane plans by refusing to go along with their insanity.


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Post by Pirata Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:43 pm

Pirata wrote:

One thing is for sure, Satan and his minions want President Putins death.

Another critical period will be around Juli, 13 until mid August.

Yes I know what I said in my long term prediction, all will be as I said.. I just save the worst for when the time is present.

Moon in Taurus.  

Had the worst accident in my life on July 13, so God will, I may fully recover..

On July 28 Jupiter will go retrogate. Within the next 3 to 4 month a terrible natural desaster, or a string of natural catastrophic events could hit India, China, Mexico or Florida. Or some other place I haven"t got on my radar.

Watch the oceans!

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Post by Pirata Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:44 pm

Solar Eclipse October 25 concerning the USA

At 7° of Libra, with Ketu 19° of Libra

Biden's moon sits at 7° in Aries in the 6th house exactly opposing 7° Libra position of this Solar eclipse. His Mars sits at 19° Libra in the 12th house, so his moon and his Mars are both aspected during this Solar eclipe and it will deal with health issues and secret enemies and/or foreign affairs. On September 21 he enters Saturn Mahadasha moving into the 7th house, a difficult place for older people, this indicates that he is gradually running out of luck and his opponents will be wiping the floor with him, so to speak.

Harris chart indicates that Rahu at 1° Gemini will make her meet destiny.. something that is out of her control.
Something dramatic will occure in her life...

Interestingly, Xi Jinping has his Sun exactly at 0° of Gemini, if his public birthday info is correct.

USA birthchart has Mars at 0° of Gemini in the 7th house, right there within a degree of where Mars is going to station to turn retrograde, which indicates unfinished business, so from October 30 until the end of the year, the shit will really hit the fan and then explode, inside the USA.

The situation between China and Taiwan will be very explosive until August 10, but also may take an ugly turn sometime after September 24. Whenever Mars is closest to Earth wars are very likely, from November 14 until mid March there could be a lot of war.. in multiple regions of the world.. not just Ukraine and Taiwan.. remember, when all else fails they always try to take you to war, that is exactly what the US administration is trying to do right now, ignite WW3.. but it will be their declared enemies that will chose timing and the battlefield.

The US midterm elections for Senate and House of Represantives + 36 Governers will fall exactly under the total lunar eclipse of November 8 with exact Uranus conjunct Moon opposition Sun squared by Saturn. The magnitude may be compared to something equal to the fall of the Berlin Wall.. not sure about a "happy ending" though, we will see how it goes..

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Post by Pirata Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:07 pm

So yeah.. my self-test Vedic astrology trip was really interesting, my consclusion is that it's very likely that the Mystery Babylon hillbilliy cultists are scheduling their shit around those astro-phases and certain key dates/days, so let me predict the future from the wisdom of my belly button and my somewhat principled thinking capacity.

The UN has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of scepticism as "worrying and dangerous", and will provide the public with a "toolkit" to cancel anybody who dares to suggest that world governments are anything but completely honest, upstanding and transparent.

It freaks them out to know that we got our eyes on them. LOL!

These unelected UN apparatchiks are so ignorant these days, they themselves can't even differentiate between a conclusion, hypothesis and theory. I don't do theories, which are developed to be tested in the scientific method to estabish legal or scientific fact. A theory is to be examined, and for that I would have to catalogue and present all the evidence which then either prove [the theory] to be true or false. I only have conclusions from obserable events that may lead to a personal hypothesis that governments and/or politicians are untruthfull corrupt mothereffers, so I don't qualify for the UN war against "conspiracy theories" since opinions are not outlawed yet.  Rolling Eyes

The scientific method is extremely powerful, and quite obviously they don't want us to have that power, they don't want us to discuss it, they don't want us to know about it, THEY DON'T WANT US TO BE ABLE TO THINK in a scientific way. So I expect, or if you will, predict that the academia and (allopathic) medicine industries will break down first.. I've mentioned this before, that's a forgone conclusion based on first princple thinking.. you can't fake away all the lies, machinations and fraud concerning the engineered spike protein clot shot agenda forever, so to speak. Same can be said about the Green horseshit agenda. After that I expect the infiltration of the legal system (constitutional crises) to implode, with the USA leading the way in this regard.

I imagine a very abrupt and sudden winter season as well, combined with total chaos in the financial system that will cause damage and injury.. which will then become unmanagable for many governments, to an extent that neither politicians nor mainstream media will be able to sweep the conflicting narratives under the carpet to spin their "final solution" proposal.

That's when the legacy media industriy will collapse as well. The "alternative media", which is also heavily infiltrated or fake (grifters), will also go crazy and experience a shake down. Pay attention then as to how they all will bring on a multitude of stories which will disappear really quick.. we are already seeing the beginning of that.. don't get deluded as to how things really work. They will try another round of "leaked material" shitshow.. which is meaningless.. expect 999 pages of fabricated bulshit, who wants to read all that? I hope you don't.. lol, realize by now how this "whack a mole" game is played, it's just distraction.. the best attitude would be to suspect that they classify horsehit material with the intention of "leaking" it.. we've seen that in the past as well. Instead read a good book. like Estulin's Tavistock.. how to control the minds of the masses, for example.

During the hight of the mass formation hysteria phase they will throw out all the horseshit they can, maybe even "space aliens".. though personally I would prefer some entertaining Antarctica footage. So don't get trolled by the scheduled up and coming psyopses that are part of the greater culture war.. because culture ultimately defines LAW.

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Post by Pirata Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:19 am

I might have solved my mysterious insulin spike phenomenon..... so I thought I would do myself a favor avoiding cane sugar by using a "natural sweetener", only to come across this not so cool information...

Stevia causes insulin response:

Stevioside acts directly on pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin: actions independent of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and adenosine triphosphate-sensitive K+-channel activity..


My doctor said I don't really have diabetis, yet he couldn't explain my not-so-normal INSULIN SPIKES.. sigh!

I used Stevia sweeten tea and coffee... not any longer, that's for sure.

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Post by Pirata Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:44 pm


German with english subtitles

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